It’s a roundtable! Elana, Mark and Gemma join me to talk about “The Berenstain Bears and the Haunted House!” We lift the flaps and lift… your spirits? Your Halloween spirits?! I hope so! Let’s get flap-liftin’!
Deep In Bear Country – A Berenstain Bearcast
Let's talk about every single Berenstain Bears book, shall we?
It’s a roundtable! Elana, Mark and Gemma join me to talk about “The Berenstain Bears and the Haunted House!” We lift the flaps and lift… your spirits? Your Halloween spirits?! I hope so! Let’s get flap-liftin’!
‘Allo, ‘allo, ‘allo! Look who’s back to talk about books! It’s Bradley and Jeremy from the ol’ Collectors Corner episodes saving my bacon by jumping in at the last minute to school me on “The Berenstain Bears and/in the Spooky Fun House!” One book talks, but one book POPS! Up. Which is which? You decide!
Check out Jeremy’s incredible work here.
Check out Bradley’s podcast here!
This week, I’m all by myself and thinkin’ of BEES! Spelling bees, that is! It’s “The Berenstain Bears and the Big Spelling Bee!”
This week, Brian Skinner from Predict-O-Cast joins me for a GHOST WALK! What’s a Ghost Walk? Apparently, it’s a haunted house? It’s not a hayride! It’s also WAY TOO SPOOKY FOR KIDS! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Go On A Ghost Walk!”
Let’s welcome back to the show the hosts of Kill By Kill, Gena and Patrick as we go exploring a spooky old house atop Spook Hill and maybe, just maybe, learn a little something new about Beartown.