This week, does kindness count? Does it “count?” Well, Jan and Mike seem to think so! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Kindness Counts!”
Episode 313 – The Berenstain Bears Kindness Counts!

Deep In Bear Country – A Berenstain Bearcast
Let's talk about every single Berenstain Bears book, shall we?
This week, does kindness count? Does it “count?” Well, Jan and Mike seem to think so! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Kindness Counts!”
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Papa was a war vet and Pandas were the enemy. Papa is not a bigot since his racism is based on ignorance like bullies who don’t like green beans or freckles. He reminds me of the character in green eggs and ham.
The new neighbors was a awful book, not because Papa was racist and judgmental like a lot of people , but that the whole book was racist. It claimed all Asian bears are pandas and since pandas are found in China, therefore they represent Asian people Only Asian people are Chinese people? No Russian bears or sloth bears?