Episode 452 – The Berenstain Bears Love Is Kind

What can I say? I’m a sucker for straightforward messaging. It’s “The Berenstain Bears Love Is Kind” and it KIND of works!

Episode 448 – The Berenstain Bears Honesty Counts

Are you honest? Are you FAIR? Are you READY for BEARS? It’s “The Berenstain Bears Honesty Counts” and, does it? Does it really?

Episode 442 – The Berenstain Bears Do The Right Thing

This week, Sister Bear faces a moral quandry and it’s up to the ol’ SHOULDER ANGEL to save the day. Will sister do the right thing? Find out in “The Berenstain Bears Do The Right Thing!”

Episode 441 – The Berenstain Bears Father’s Day Blessings

The Bear Family is all set to honor their fathers and HONER THEIR FATHER by sending Gramps and Papa out on a boat for the day. But, what’s this?! SINGING? Who’d a thought?! Also, the origins of Father’s Day. Also, the INCREDIBLY SAD STORY of the guy who wrote the hymn about the music of the spheres. ALSO, it’s The Berenstain Bears Father’s Day Blessings!

Episode 440 – The Berenstain Bears Why Do Good Bears Have Bad Days

Brother and Sister get a real crash course in theodicy this week when some BAD THINGS happen and their friends tell them it’s a PUNISHMENT FROM GOD and boy oh boy. Hey. Why do good bears have bad days? Well, maybe “The Berenstain Bears Why Do Good Bears Have Bad Days?” will help us answer that question!

Episode 439 – The Berenstain Bears Get The Job Done

When the cubs are assigned the chore of cleaning out their old playhouse, will the presence of creepy crawly spiders keep them from getting the job done? HINT: the book is called “The Berenstain Bears Get The Job Done.”

Episode 436 – The Berenstain Bears’ Mother’s Day Blessings

It’s Mother’s Day! And you know what that means! A long history of said day. Also, some blessings. “The Berenstain Bears’ Mother’s Day Blessings” that is!