Happy Borthday Bear Country! It’s the celebration of the Fourth of July; the day the bears signed a thing to declare independence from… a king? It’s all a little vague, but remember THIS AIN’T AMERICA! Also, God. It’s “The Berenstain Bears God Bless Our Country!”
Tag: George Grizzington
Episode 230 – The Berenstain Bears On The Road

This week, I close out the “Big Mall” series(?) by taking a quick look at “The Berenstain Bears Hold Hands at the Big Mall” which, honestly I spend about five minutes on it. No, the big book this week is “The Berenstain Bears On The Road” which does not involve a seminal work of Beatnik-related literature, but does involve flat contradictions in Bear Country history as well as out first incident of vomiting children! It’s a blast!
Episode 152 – The Perfect Crime (Almost)!
This week, Jamie Tyler, author of the “Cowabloga” Ninja Turtles blog, is BACK to talk about the most convoluted, frustrating, fascinating and satisfyingly unsatisfying Big Chapter Book I’ve read in a while: “The Berenstain Bears and the Perfect Crime (Almost)!” Yes, get that parenthetical in there; it’s important. Jamie and I work ourselves up to a fever pitch as nothing makes sense, adds up or resolves in any way resembling logical or even dramatically resonant. It’s amazing. And I love it.
Episode 140 – The Berenstain Bears and Queenie’s Crazy Crush!
Helen LaStar, one of the hosts of Falling In Love Montage, joins me this week to peel back the layers of “The Berenstain Bears and Queenie’s Crazy Crush!” What happens when a young girl cub falls in love with a grown man and plots to trick him into coming over to her house when her parents are – you know what? I’m going to just leave that right where I found it. Just . . . just walk away from that one.