Episode 475 – The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors!

“Love thy neighbor” sounds great—until your neighbors are literally the local drug dealers. Join me as we dive into The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors, a book that asks us to embrace community… even if your neighbors were previously arrested for selling drugs to elementary school kids. This episode covers Bear Country’s ever-changing geography, the surprisingly shady past of the Bog Brothers, and what it really means to love your neighbor. Also, I may have a one-man show coming up. Let’s get into it!

Like, Subscribe, and Comment! Should I cover older Berenstain Bears books? React to the TV show? Let me know!

Episode 470 – The Berenstain Bears and No Guns Allowed!

This week, I’m circling back to a book I skipped over for whatever reason and… wow, it’s a thoughtful piece of writing for kids. A surprisingly complex look at Culture of Violence Theory, it’s “The Berenstain Bears and No Guns Allowed!”

Episode 416 – The Berenstain Bears Welcome To Bear Country!

This week, we’re heading off to… Bear Country? Yeah, Cousin Tex is here so we’re giving him a… sorry, Mayor Honeypot(?) is giving his a tour of Bear Country! And, he hates it! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Welcome To Bear Country!” Whew!

Episode 363 – The Berenstain Bears Go Green!

The Bears care a lot for the environment, but in “The Berenstain Bears Go Green!” we’re not given an environmental tale so much as a treatise on the importance of having a decent municipal dump and a non-corrupt mayor. It’s “The Berenstain Bears Go Green!”

Episode 337 – The Berenstain Bears’ Easter Parade

I wasn’t planning on talking about Easter Parades, but here we are! It’s “The Berenstain Bears’ Easter Parade!”

Episode 324 – The Berenstain Bears Kitten Rescue!

Happy The New Year! Willow joins me to talk about what might very well be our final Good Deed Scouts book “The Berenstain Bears Kitten Rescue.” It’s ridiculous.

Episode 263 – The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Ripoff Queen!

Berenstain Bear Scouts And The Ripoff Queen by Stan Berenstain

This week, we are back with the Bear Scouts; we are back with Raffish Ralph Ripoff; and we are back with a story that doesn’t make a heck of a lot of sense. It’s “The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Ripoff Queen!” There’s no queens. There’s actually no ripoffs. There is a lot of crime, but it’s mostly committed by our heroes? This is a weird one. And to help me through it, we have a returning guest! Jamie Tyler, cutural critic for Cinapse! Welcome back Jamie!

Episode 225 – The Berenstain Bears In the Wax Museum!


When is a mystery *not* a mystery? When nothing mysterious happens! “The Berenstain Bears IN the Wax Museum” acts like a mystery, but it’s really a community drama about zoning ordinances. It makes a lot of promises it can’t keep and sets up plot points that melt like the wax in Madame Bearsaud’s statues, but I don’t care because KACIE GALYON is back to help me get through it! Welcome back to the show, Kacie!

Episode 223 – The Berenstain Bears Go Hollywood!


I’ve been alone so long! This week, I bring back two things that this show desperately needed: the Big Chapter Books and A GUEST! Yes, I am joined by author and screenwriter Mark Wheaton, the author of “Emily Eternal” and the Luis Chavez Mysteries. He’s here to help me pick apart a book about… filmmaking? The Hollywood machine? Cecil B. DeMille? It’s a mess; but a FUN mess!

Episode 212 – The Berenstain Bears and the Escape of the Bogg Brothers (2000)/The Missing Watermelon Money (2001)


This week, we’re gearing up for HALLOWEEN SEASON with our first MYSTERIES! That’s right! The Bear Detectives are here to liven up your week with the “Escape of the Bogg Brothers” and the “Missing Watermelon Money!”

Episode 192 – The Berenstain Bears and the Real Easter Eggs!


Well, I thought I was going to get into the real meat of Easter – some real Easter Meat, if you will. Ham. I think ham is Easter meat. But, no. Sorry. It’s “The Berenstain Bears and the Real Easter Eggs.”

Episode 155 – The G-Rex Bones!


This week, I’m joined by Erin Ayers – one half of the Over the Table Top podcast – to discuss a tale of fraud and dinosaurs. It’s “The Berenstain Bears and the G-Rex Bones!” How far will Ralph go to secure a million dollars? Pretty far! Will he sell out his own personal values and ruin the reputation of a fine upstanding bear like Actual Factual? Sure! Will any of this plot make a lick of sense? Nope!

Episode 152 – The Perfect Crime (Almost)!


This week, Jamie Tyler, author of the “Cowabloga” Ninja Turtles blog, is BACK to talk about the most convoluted, frustrating, fascinating and satisfyingly unsatisfying Big Chapter Book I’ve read in a while: “The Berenstain Bears and the Perfect Crime (Almost)!” Yes, get that parenthetical in there; it’s important. Jamie and I work ourselves up to a fever pitch as nothing makes sense, adds up or resolves in any way resembling logical or even dramatically resonant. It’s amazing. And I love it.

Episode 145 – The Sinister Smoke Ring!


This week, I am joined by Justin Harrison of Birth. Movies. Death. to talk about the incredibly long and detailed “The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Sinister Smoke Ring!” This is a huge one, folks, and we talk about the influences of the story, how it came to be written, the interwoven plot threads, the mean attitudes of the denizens of Bear Country and many many other things in between. It’s DENSE and LONG and amazing.

Here is the link to Justin’s page for the BP MS 150.

Episode 143 – The Magic Crystal Caper


This week, we get mired in ATOMIC MAGIC. Seriously. There is ACTUAL MAGIC in this episode. Or, is it science? Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I have Megan Sunday from In The Attic here to help me through it. And, man, once Grizzly Gramps starts yelling, things get a bit unhinged.

Episode 142 – The Ice Monster!




Episode 141 – The Berenstain Bear Scouts Giant Bat Cave!


Elana and Mitzi are back! Or, are here because they’ve never been on together!And we’re talking “Giant Bat Cave!” It’s a Berenstain Bear Scouts book and may, in fact be the *first Berenstain Bear Scouts book but, then again, maybe it’s not? Also, Elana gets really excited to talk about local politics and then has to settle for talking about bats.

Episode 138 – The Berenstain Bears and the Ghost of the Auto Graveyard!


This week, Meghan Griffin is BACK and this time we’re not talking dress codes or drama, we’re talking . . . classic cars. I mean, I guess Bear Country has cars. And, some of them are really old. So . . . classic cars.

You can find Meghan at any of her three podcasts: Judging Book Covers, Fabelulous Retellings and A Handbook for Handbook for Mortals.

Episode 134 – Save That Backscratcher!


Oh boy! Erin Gambrill from Ladies Who Library is here to talk about a book that COMPLETELY CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD! Like, seriously. There is so much going on in this one I needed to bring in a friend just to help me get through it.

Episode 132 – The Berenstain Bears Don’t Pollute (Anymore)!


I’m joined this week by Master of Pollution, Mark Sweeney! He gets it! He KNOWS. Mark Sweeney understands the complicated nature of pollution in bear country and the gentle grace with which the topic is handled in “The Berenstain Bears Don’t Pollute (Anymore)” parenthetical and all. Get to know us through the fine art of POLLUTION.

Episode 123 – The Berenstain Bear SCOUTS Meet Bigpaw!


Those Bear Scouts are at it again! What is “it” exactly? Adapting cartoons into chapter books is what it is! That’s right, it’s the 1980 classic special “The Berenstain Bears Meet Bigpaw” rejiggered into a Bear SCOUTS book. Does it work? Eh.

Episode 113 – The Berenstain Bears and the Giddy Grandma!


Welcome to the world of degraded audio! Please bear with this terrible sounding episode, as I flop around trying to talk about “The Giddy Grandma.” Things didn’t work out according to plan, but I think I get my point across.

Also, I have a Patreon page!

Episode 108 – The Red-Handed Thief!


What a weird book. Kerry Nelson from Random Sampling joins me to talk about the gross violation of trust that occurs at Bear Country School! Also, democracy in action? Maybe?

Episode 107 – The Berenstain Bears and the Drug Free Zone!


Joel Torres of the Please Don’t Send Me Into Outer Space podcast joins me to talk about DRUGS! And DRUG ZONES! And BACKWOODS DRUG DISTRIBUTION? It’s a wild weird but pretty nicely done book.