How much car trip is too much? Let’s find out with “The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Car Trip!”
Deep In Bear Country – A Berenstain Bearcast
Let's talk about every single Berenstain Bears book, shall we?
How much car trip is too much? Let’s find out with “The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Car Trip!”
This week, I close out the “Big Mall” series(?) by taking a quick look at “The Berenstain Bears Hold Hands at the Big Mall” which, honestly I spend about five minutes on it. No, the big book this week is “The Berenstain Bears On The Road” which does not involve a seminal work of Beatnik-related literature, but does involve flat contradictions in Bear Country history as well as out first incident of vomiting children! It’s a blast!
It’s a live recording of a Facebook Live show! I’m talking about “Accept No Substitutes” and people are listening. So, that’s what’s going on.