Episode 472 – A Conversation with Mike Berenstain!

Mike Berenstain is BACK on the SHOW after having been away for TOO LONG. As always it’s a pleasure to catch up and check in and chat about Tintin. Enjoy!

Episode 114 – Meeting Mike (Part 2)

DIBC-EP110We’re back with Part 2 of our big Mike Berenstain meetup! This episode, Brad and Jeremy and I get grilled as to our intentions; we talk about books whose success caught Mike off guard; what books didn’t do so hot; and dish the hot goss. Or, not. I can’t remember.

Episode 110 – Meeting Mike (Part 1)


Hoo boy! This is it! The first part of our massive trip to the Berenstain Bears studio! It’s so big, I’m not only splitting it up, but I’m sprinkling it throughout upcoming episodes, just so you don’t get burnt out on this one thing. So, I’ll be alternating traditional episodes with Mike episodes. I think that’s fair!

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Mike’s desk at Berenstain Studios
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A look at the production schedule for upcoming books.
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Jeremy and Brad sitting with Mike.
Photo Jul 11, 12 29 51
Mike shows the cover of the upcoming bullying book featuring Skuzz! Pic by Bradley Mariska
Photo Jul 11, 12 28 14
The two alternate covers for “Why Do Good Bears Have BAD Days?” Pic by Bradley Mariska