This week, we’re taking a look at yet another book that’s just a plot-free collection of poetry and prayer… try. And guess what? I like it! It’s “The Berenstain Bears My Bedtime Book of Poems and Prayers” and it’s pretty darn good!
Tag: religion
Episode 435 – The Berenstain Bears’ Bedtime Devotional
This week, it’s a book that I find very hard to talk about because there’s no plot and it’s long and it’s a devotional. It’s “The Berenstain Bears’ Bedtime Devotional” and I’m falling asleep just thinking about it!
Episode 433 – The Berenstain Bears Storybook Bible/For Little Ones/Search and Find!
Three three three three three BOOKS! This week, I’m getting THREE BOOKS oout of MY LIFE by talking about “The Berenstain Bears Storybook Bible” “The Berenstain Bears Storybook Bible for Little Ones” AND “The Berenstain Bears Storybook Bible Search and Find” and BOY OH BOY am I ever tired of typing “The Berenstain Bears Storybook Bible” I guess I could have copy/pasted it but I go the extra mile FOR YOU.
Episode 425 – The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Politeness
Man oh man, is there anything worse than being forced to sit through a terrible music recital? How about having to be POLITE afterwards? It’s “The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Politeness!”
Episode 420 – The Berenstain Bears’ Bedtime Blessings
When is a ladder not a ladder? When it’s Jacob’s Ladder! Or… staircase. Or, ramp. Doesn’t matter. What matters is that Jacob is the focus of this week’s book “The Berenstain Bears’ Bedtime Blessings”! Because Jacob goes to bed, I guess? Zzzzzz.
Episode 412 – The Berenstain Bears Bless Our Gramps and Gran
You ever hear of this Grandparents’ Day? And how does Nixon fit into all of this? It’s “The Berenstain Bears Bless Our Gramps and Gran!”
Episode 396 – The Berenstain Bears’ Harvest Festival
It’s not a Thanksgiving book! It’s “The Berenstain Bears’ Harvest Festival!”
Episode 395 – The Berenstain Bears God Bless Our Country
Happy Borthday Bear Country! It’s the celebration of the Fourth of July; the day the bears signed a thing to declare independence from… a king? It’s all a little vague, but remember THIS AIN’T AMERICA! Also, God. It’s “The Berenstain Bears God Bless Our Country!”
Episode 393 – The Berenstain Bears’ Book of Prayers
And so we come to the end of the Worthy Kids/Hachette board book series with “The Berenstain Bears’ Book of Prayers.” But, this isn’t just a fond farewell to this series, oh no! I’ve got THE SCOOP on how it came to be and why it ended as well as some other JUICY TIDBITS from Mike Himself. So, strap in buckos!
Episode 392 – The Berenstain Bears’ Easter Blessings
When’s an Easter book not an Easter book? Well, when it’s June, for one thing. But also, when the author successfully avoids actually discussing Easter for the bulk of it. It’s “The Berenstain Bears’ Easter Blessings!”
Episode 381 – The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Trust
We must, we must, we must increase our TRUST! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Trust!”
Episode 380 – The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Fair Is Fair
This week, “The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Fair Is Fair” introduces us to a new character in Bear Country, we explore the Book of Zechariah, and we learn a little bit about what true justice may be.
Episode 379 – The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Love
This week, it’s all about LOVE, baby! Good ol’ First Epistle of John LOVE, BABEEEE! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Love!”
Episode 378 – The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Sharing
After last week’s extensive deconstruction of the concept of “Caring” it only makes sense that this week I’d completely ignore the concept of “Sharing” and instead ramble on about not-Paul’s epistle to the Hebrews. Makes sense! It’s “Deep In Bear Country – The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Sharing!”
Episode 377 – The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Caring
It’s the first “The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit” book and we’re kicking it off with “Caring!” What is caring? Is it an attitude? And opinion? An action? What does it mean to care? Who are Fred’s parents? How many men has Aunt Min married? And what of THE TIMELINES? Let’s dive in, shall we?!
Episode 296 – The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers!

Life is a mystery; everyone must stand alone. Or, so they say. It’s “The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers!”
Episode 295 – The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule!

I avoid making an Aladdin joke in this episode and that’s pretty good for me! It’s “The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule!”
EASTER SPECIAL – Mike Berenstain on Zonderkidz!

Are you ready to take a deep dive into the world of children’s religious publishing? Because, if so, I’ve got the interview for you! Mike Berenstain is back to talk about The Berenstain’s relationship with Zondervan, the balance of art and business and the importance of reading the fine print of every contract. It’s an Easter Special that’s not about Easter!
Episode 251 – BONUS! Religion and Diggity Dogs!
Here’s a conversation Brian and Josh had with me about “The Epic Dog Show” the religious rewrite of this week’s book.
Episode 229 – The Berenstain Bears Down On the Farm/The Berenstain Bears Reap the Harvest
Let’s go back to the farm, this week, with a couple of rewrites of a couple of the books we *just* looked at! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Down On The Farm” and the religious “The Berenstain Bears Reap The Harvest!”
Episode 206 – The Berenstain Bears All Year ‘Round/God Made the Seasons!
It sure is time outside! What time? ALL THE TIME! This week, we take yet another look at the seasons and ask whether they matter more or less if God was involved.
Episode 179 – The Berenstain Bears and the Big Question!
Here on “Deep In Bear Country” we know that I do like to blather on about topics I have no training in, especially religion! But, I’m breaking with tradition this week by inviting onto the show the Reverend Lauren McLeavey!
Lauren and I talk about “The Berenstain Bears and the Big Question” and . . . what is this question. Well, it’s about God. Capital G God. Sister gets all “asky” about the guy and Mama sets her straight by dragging the family to church. Along the way we talk about church architecture, Quakers and seminary. It’s a roller coaster of a talk! Check it out!
Episode 96 – The Berenstain Bears “The Good Deed”/”Hurry to Help!”
Oh, come on! This is the *bare minimum* you can rewrite a book and still call it a rewrite!
I apologize for getting so angry just now.
Episode 93 – The Berenstain Bears Learn to Share/Learn to Share!
More Bears. More Jesus.
Episode 90 – The Berenstain Bears and the Big Red Kite/Do Their Best!
Kites? Who needs ’em?! Well, the Bears do! They also need God. Or, something. Join me as I try to piece together the Bear Family’s weird kite-based theology.