This week, I’m circling back to a book I skipped over for whatever reason and… wow, it’s a thoughtful piece of writing for kids. A surprisingly complex look at Culture of Violence Theory, it’s “The Berenstain Bears and No Guns Allowed!”
Tag: Smirk
Episode 450 – The Berenstain Bears Stand Up To Bullying
When is a bully not a bully? When he’s BEING BULLIED! And, who better to fill in as history’s greatest bully than… Joseph Dreamcoat? The Bible Guy? Or, something. Brian and Mark are here to help me try to make some sort of sense of “The Berenstain Bears Stand Up To Bullying!”
Episode 448 – The Berenstain Bears Honesty Counts
Are you honest? Are you FAIR? Are you READY for BEARS? It’s “The Berenstain Bears Honesty Counts” and, does it? Does it really?
Episode 447 – The Berenstain Bears’ School Talent Show
Are you ready to yodel your hearts out?! I hope you are! I also hope you’re ready to hear ME yodel MY heart out because I am GOING TO and I DO and I don’t even KNOW HOW TO. It’s “The Berenstain Bears’ School Talent Show” and YO-DEL-OD-EL-ODLY-ODLY-OO!
Episode 373 – The Berenstain Bears Blessed Are The Peacemakers
“Did he say ‘Blessed are the chee-‘” you know what? I’ll let the episode do the joke. It’s “The Berenstain Bears Blessed Are The Peacemakers!”
Episode 308 – The Berenstain Bears Safe and Sound!
Is it safe? Is it sound? Is it The Berenstain Bears Safe and Sound!? It is this week! Let’s take a look at the freewheeling world of skate-a-ma-boarding in Bear Country! Let’s build a deck or a half-pipe or an olly? Let’s get SAFE and SOUND!
Episode 290 – The Berenstain Bears Phenom in the Family!

Hey everyone! Mitzi is here to talk about “The Berenstain Bears Phenom in the Family!” What’s a phenom? You’re a phenom! I mean, are you? Why is Papa such a jerk? What about Brother Bear’s feelings? Who knows?!
Episode 251 – The Berenstain Bears The Runamuck Dog Show!
Hot Diggity Dog! Look who’s back! It’s the hosts of Hot Diggity Dog, Brian and Josh, and they’re here talk about “The Runamuck Dog Show!” It’s a book about dogs and cats and poop and… poop, actually. There’s a lot of poop. Don’t know what else to tell you.
Episode 250 – The Berenstain Bears The Wrong Crowd!
Megan Sunday, co-host of the Dune-tastic “Let’s Get Wierding” podcast, joins me this week to talk about SMOKING IN THE WOODS and PLAYING BASKETBALL IN THE WOODS and DO THE BULLIES LIVE IN THE WOODS? It’s “The Berenstain Bears: The Wrong Crowd!”
Episode 249 – The Berenstain Bears and the Soccer Tryouts/Too Small For The Team!
Guess who can’t catch a break. SISTER! We’re back with another look at the unjust sporting world Sister inhabits with “The Soccer Tryouts” and it’s Stepping Stone rewrite “Too Small For The Team!” And, joining me on this journey is returning guest Christy Admiraal!
And here is a list of places to donate to in support of the ongoing BLM protests.
Episode 246 – The Berenstain Bears and the Goofy, Goony Guy
Hey! Mitzi’s back! And we’re talking about a guy who may be goofy and he may be goony but… but, he’s “The Goofy, Goony Guy.” That’s all.
Episode 225 – The Berenstain Bears In the Wax Museum!
When is a mystery *not* a mystery? When nothing mysterious happens! “The Berenstain Bears IN the Wax Museum” acts like a mystery, but it’s really a community drama about zoning ordinances. It makes a lot of promises it can’t keep and sets up plot points that melt like the wax in Madame Bearsaud’s statues, but I don’t care because KACIE GALYON is back to help me get through it! Welcome back to the show, Kacie!
Episode 220 – The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the White Water Mystery!
“Bear Country exists in a state of temporal flux” is something I say in this episode about a children’s book about cheating. So, that’s something. It’s the final Merit Badge Mystery, the final Dr. Wise Old Owl, the final not-really-a-mystery mystery; it’s “The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the White Water Mystery!”
Episode 217 – The Berenstain Bears and the Talent Show!
Hey, Y’ALL! It’s time once again for a CUB CLUB BOOK LOOK MA I’M READING! This week, it’s “The Berenstain Bears and the Talent Show!” But, this time, the real talent isn’t ON the stage it’s . . . well, actually, it’s still on the stage. But also, it’s off? I don’t know. FIGURE IT OUT!
Episode 210 – The Berenstain Bears Say Please and Thank You (2011)!
This week, I’m taking a look at a book FILLED with BOOKS! It’s 2011’s “The Berenstain Bears Say Please and Thank You” and it’s NOT related to last week’s book at all! It’s a whole new thing entirely!
Episode 151 – “Too Much Teasing” and “The Love Match!”
Boy oh boy! Milton Chubb! Who is Milton Chubb, you ask? Only the strangest cub introduced in these here books. He’s introduced TWICE actually, in “Too Much Teasing” and in “The Love Match.” Two different formats that tell essentially the same story but in wildly different ways and for wildly different reasons.
To commemorate this event, I’ve brought John McCoy – host of the Sophomore Lit podcast and my co-host on Klickitcast: A Beverly Cleary Podcast – onto the show to try and suss out the point of these two books. Does the first one teach us anything about teasing? Why are Too-Tall and his gang so bad at it? Does Milton have parents, really? Do pigs have armpits? Who knows?! Not us!
Episode 148 – The Trouble with Grownups!
This week I am joined by not one, not two, not three, but FOUR GUESTS! It’s a veritable ROUND TABLE as I welcome back Elana, Corinna, Andrew and Scott – from Episode 55(!!!) “The Berenstain Bears Get Stage Fright” – to talk about “The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble With Grownups!” And, seeing as how we all have kids and we all do theater, I think we’re more than qualified to discuss a thing or two!
Episode 147 – Go Platinum!
This week, I’m joined by the delightful Drew Stewart to rock out to “The Berenstain Bears Go Platinum!” It’s the gripping tale of Stan and Jan Berenstain really wanting to stick it to the music of today!
Episode 146 – The Big Date
This week, I’m joined by Emily Bennett of Best Acquaintances to talk about the insidious nature of young jealousy! Like, seriously, it’s a pretty solid book that deals with a pretty serious topic for adolescent kids. I know!
Episode 145 – The Sinister Smoke Ring!
This week, I am joined by Justin Harrison of Birth. Movies. Death. to talk about the incredibly long and detailed “The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Sinister Smoke Ring!” This is a huge one, folks, and we talk about the influences of the story, how it came to be written, the interwoven plot threads, the mean attitudes of the denizens of Bear Country and many many other things in between. It’s DENSE and LONG and amazing.
Episode 140 – The Berenstain Bears and Queenie’s Crazy Crush!
Helen LaStar, one of the hosts of Falling In Love Montage, joins me this week to peel back the layers of “The Berenstain Bears and Queenie’s Crazy Crush!” What happens when a young girl cub falls in love with a grown man and plots to trick him into coming over to her house when her parents are – you know what? I’m going to just leave that right where I found it. Just . . . just walk away from that one.
Episode 137 – The Bermuda Triangle!
This week, I’m joined by Kacie Galyon to talk about one of the most surprisingly enjoyable books I’ve read so far in the Big Chapter Book series, ‘The Berenstain Bears and the Bermuda Triangle.” Kacie and I are taken somewhat aback by the mature handling of themes in this book, the twists in the plot and the revelation about Too-Tall’s age! Also, Bermuda . . . is that a good first name?
Episode 128 – At the Teen Rock Cafe!
It’s ME again! I’m back at my desk and I’m chatting about things like MALLS and STONE-WASHED JEANS and BEARY MANILOW and NOT MURDER THIS TIME.
Episode 121 – The Berenstain Bears’ Showdown at Birder’s Wood!
Hey, there was an episode sort of based on “Showdown at Chainsaw Gap!” Only, they fixed the title and changed the plot. Kept the bird, though. So, Mark came back to talk about it! Here he is!
Episode 119 – Media Madness!
Jon Biegen and Nick Wood slide on over from Stranger Still to talk about children successfully managing a television station. That’s . . . that’s really all that happens in this book, so – so, lesson learned, I guess.
Episode 112 – At Camp Crush!
This week, I am joined by Michael M. Rader of We’ll Get It Right Next Year to talk about “The Berenstain Bears at Camp Crush!” This book gets WAY OFF TRACK and doesn’t really involve crushes and barely involves camping. It does involve the most loathsome of Bear Country characters, however, Mervyn Grizzmeyer. Ish.
Episode 111 – The Berenstain Bears and the Dress Code!
Meghan Griffin of Judging Book Covers and Fableulous Retellings joins me to talk dress codes, law enforcement and a Berenstain Bears book that gets way more political than we were anticipating!
Episode 108 – The Red-Handed Thief!
What a weird book. Kerry Nelson from Random Sampling joins me to talk about the gross violation of trust that occurs at Bear Country School! Also, democracy in action? Maybe?
Episode 107 – The Berenstain Bears and the Drug Free Zone!
Joel Torres of the Please Don’t Send Me Into Outer Space podcast joins me to talk about DRUGS! And DRUG ZONES! And BACKWOODS DRUG DISTRIBUTION? It’s a wild weird but pretty nicely done book.
Episode 106 – The Berenstain Bears and the Wheelchair Commando!
Today, I am joined by writer, musician, educator and Ninja Turtles Blogger Jamie Tyler to talk about wheelchairs, ableism and the way we approach people living with disabilities. Also, should you call a person in a wheelchair “Wheels?” Come on, people.
Episode 104 – The Berenstain Bears Accept No Substitutes!
It’s a live recording of a Facebook Live show! I’m talking about “Accept No Substitutes” and people are listening. So, that’s what’s going on.