Episode 377 – The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit ❤️ Caring

It’s the first “The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit” book and we’re kicking it off with “Caring!” What is caring? Is it an attitude? And opinion? An action? What does it mean to care? Who are Fred’s parents? How many men has Aunt Min married? And what of THE TIMELINES? Let’s dive in, shall we?!

Episode 181 – The Berenstain Bears and Baby Makes Five!


This week, I’m joined by Annette Gagliardi. Annette is an educator, poet and author who lives in the Twin Cities and was my teacher for several years in Early Childhood Family Education. I figured, heck, she knows her business when it comes to kids, so who better to walk us through “The Berenstain Bears and Baby Makes Five?” The book where we finally meet Honey. And then immediately forget about Honey.