Open it up… where are the people? It’s “The Berenstain Bears: Here’s the Church, Here’s the Steeple” and we’ve got a LOT to discuss.
Tag: Widder McGrizz
Episode 265 – The Berenstain Bear Scouts Scream Their Heads Off!

Let’s welcome back to the show the hosts of Kill By Kill, Gena and Patrick as we go exploring a spooky old house atop Spook Hill and maybe, just maybe, learn a little something new about Beartown.
Episode 179 – The Berenstain Bears and the Big Question!
Here on “Deep In Bear Country” we know that I do like to blather on about topics I have no training in, especially religion! But, I’m breaking with tradition this week by inviting onto the show the Reverend Lauren McLeavey!
Lauren and I talk about “The Berenstain Bears and the Big Question” and . . . what is this question. Well, it’s about God. Capital G God. Sister gets all “asky” about the guy and Mama sets her straight by dragging the family to church. Along the way we talk about church architecture, Quakers and seminary. It’s a roller coaster of a talk! Check it out!
Episode 141 – The Berenstain Bear Scouts Giant Bat Cave!
Elana and Mitzi are back! Or, are here because they’ve never been on together!And we’re talking “Giant Bat Cave!” It’s a Berenstain Bear Scouts book and may, in fact be the *first Berenstain Bear Scouts book but, then again, maybe it’s not? Also, Elana gets really excited to talk about local politics and then has to settle for talking about bats.
Episode 136 – The Terrible Talking Termite!
Let’s close out this chunk of Bear Scouts books with “The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Terrible Talking Termite.” This one was based on an episode of the cartoon and it shows and shows and shows. It makes little sense and to help me figure it out, I have Christy Admiraal, from Nerdist and VICE and the California Diarists podcast here to pick over this . . . plot? Ralph is in it, so that’s cool. Also, the termite? Not so terrible. Plus, do the authors understand what “insurance fraud” really is?