This is so cool. I have on the show this week Bradley Mariska and Jeremy Gloff. Bradley and Jeremy have the two largest collections of Berenstain Bear merch IN THE WORLD. THE WORLD! Join me as these guys share three of their favorite B. Bear pieces. And, don’t fret that this is the last time these guys will be on, because this is not the last time these guys will be on.
Hey, do you want to see some images from the books?! Take a looks!

On bottom: the later full color version.

If you’re interested in joining the Berenstain Bears Collectors Facebook Group, just click through to the page! Internet magic! Also, Jeremy is a musician, so go like his Facebook page; he makes good music! Bradley is a musician as well, but I don’t see . . . I can’t find any kind of fan page for him or anything. I *did* find someone named “Mariska Bradley” though, so . . . so, that’s weird.
And, hey, if you dug this episode, let me know! You can find our official Facebook page on . . . on Facebook. Or, you can yell at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes. It super helps get the word out there! Mwah! Love you all!