Episode 288 – The Berenstain Bears Yike! Yike! Where’s My Trike?

Tricycles are complicated. Who knew? Also, Cousin Fred rides a MOTORBIKE?! Get out of town! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Yike! Yike! Where’s My Trike?”

2 thoughts on “Episode 288 – The Berenstain Bears Yike! Yike! Where’s My Trike?”

  1. How did Cousin Fred get a driver’s license? What are his parents thinking with buying him that motor bike?

    I wish I could start any podcast, but no time or money. I wouldn’t know the first thing to start one.

  2. I have a question for you and Mike . What the deal with weasels bad guys? Are they just run of the mill bad guys? Are they conquerers who want to take the land for themselves to get rich or they symbolic of the corruption of Bear country? Are they land developers ? What gives? If they all about money, how are they going to get money? By selling the land back to the bears or other weasels?

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