Episode 309 – The Berenstain Bears’ Sick Days!

This week, let’s get SICK! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Sick Days” and Sister is ill, Mama is overworked, Papa is under the thumb of BIG CHAIR, and Honey Bear… exists. She’s definitely there.

2 thoughts on “Episode 309 – The Berenstain Bears’ Sick Days!”

  1. Why would anyone think Papa Bear is a loser? A fool, maybe. He is not deadbeat dad. What is wrong with being a haphazard buffoon?

  2. Maybe Bears in Bear country and Squire Grizzly and his wife throw chairs at each other. Bear of the rings? Are there orc bears ? Are there female orc bears ? Papa will have nightmares of female orc bears chasing him?
    I am all for Mike making his own books except if it relates to Berenstain Bears getting divorced or dying.

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