Well, we got trouble, my friends. Right here in Bear Country. With a capital T and that rhymes with C and that stands for COMPUTER. This week, we welcome to the show Kate Queram, writer for States Newsroom, who has a bone to pick with the Bears and some thoughts about just how Papa came to be the voice of reason in “The Berenstain Bears’ Computer Trouble!”
Episode 347 – The Berenstain Bears’ Computer Trouble

The reason wise and organized Mama is married to chaotic Papa is that he was only Boar and he was the only one who could tolerate her . If Mama married someone as wise and organized as her , it would be so perfect it would be boring that it would led the husband to divorce her since Mama wouldn’t be his idea of perfection nor her organizational structure. Some organized people are so organized, they are spectrum. Others organized by numbers while others letters or colors to the point of annoyance. Some have organized messes. Even though Papa believes putting away things in fair for everyone.
Trudy is also in the Bear chapter books . She is in No Guns allowed. Papa as a wood fetish. The reason Mama is married to Papa is he is her property and her dumb jock stub. I bet you wish you were married to Mama as her handsome young husband instead of Papa.