Here it is. The Berenstain Bears and the Great Ant Attack!
Let's talk about every single Berenstain Bears book, shall we?
Here it is. The Berenstain Bears and the Great Ant Attack!
Brandi Brown is back on the show to take us through the frightening world of late ’90s internettery! That’s right, the cubs are on the Information Superhighway and are about to get “Lost In Cyberspace!”
Kids these days and their tv sets and their sugary cereals and their hugging dolls and their COMMERCIALS! If there’s one thing that remains a pain in the rear it COMMERCIAL TELEVISION am I right? Well, this week we’re getting to the bottom of all of that with “The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble With Commercials!”
Surprise! It’s another Valentine’s episode even though it’s no longer Valentine’s Day! And I tricked Brian and Christy into being in it!
Are you ready to fall in love? Are you ready to fall in love WITH GOD? Well, sorry, this is just a retelling of “Comic Valentine” but with some Bible quotes. Also, Brian and Christy are back! Also, it’s actually a pretty good retelling of this oft-told tale? Also, it’s called “The Berenstain Bears’ Valentine Blessings!”
Aaaaaaand, we’re back! Brian and Christy have returned (secret surprise THEY NEVER LEFT) and we’re taking a look at “The Berenstain Bear’s Comic Valentine” THE BOOK! Is it different? Is it the same? Yes! NO! It’s all about LOVE!
Hey all! Valentine’s Day is almost upon us, so we’re celebrating with a Month of Sundays on Saturday! That’s right, it’s ALL VALENTINES, ALL THE TINES, er, TIMES! And, to see us through the Season are returning Valentines themselves, Christy Admiraal and Brian Skinner! We’re kicking things off with a too-close look at the befuddling 1982 special “The Berenstain Bears’ Comic Valentine” which is available on the official Berenstain Bears YouTube channel. Have a look and enjoy the … thing.
Oh hey, look, it’s “The Berenstain Bears Go In And Out.” Not much to it. How about a History of the Revolving Door?
I am joined, once again, by Bradley Mariska and Jeremy Gloff to talk about entries 10 – 1 of “The 20 Most Rare/Unusual Berenstain Bears Books … EVER!“
This week, I am joined by Bradley Mariska and Jeremy Gloff to talk about entries 20 – 11 of “The 20 Most Rare/Unusual Berenstain Bears Books … EVER!” Join us next week for PART 2!
Are you ready to hit the beach, once again?! We’re taking off with the Bear Family to Gull Island and this time, we’re just going to kick back and enjoy the book. No history, no complaints, no nothin’! It’s just a solid book with great illustrations. It’s “The Berenstain Bears Go On Vacation!”
Merrrrrry happy! It’s Christmas Day and I am coming at you with two two two books! First, I’m finishing off my looks at “The Berenstain Bears Save Christmas” and then we’re talking “The Berenstain Bears’ Old-Fashioned Christmas!” Two good books! It’s a Christmas miracle! See you next year!
Mike Berenstain joins me for the first time in way too long to discuss the saga of “The Berenstain Bears Save Christmas.” No, not the saga of the story; but the saga of its creation. It’s a big big tale. Big.
Sleigh bells ring. ARE YOU LISTENING? It’s the “Berenstain Bears’ Winter Wonderland!”
This week, we’re looking at another Lift-The-Flap book! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Trim the Tree” and … it’s good? It’s good!
The Reverend Lauren McLeavey is back! This week, we’re taking a look at “The Berenstain Bears’ Thanksgiving Blessings” and hoping that it avoids the pitfalls of last week’s – oh, nope… nope. No, it’s just as bad. At least stickers are included?
Thoughts on Mike’s email!
Ooh, dang. Sometimes you get to a book that really, uh, well, that’s really something. And then you gotta have a guest on to help you with it. The Reverend Lauren McLeavey is back to help me panic my way through an ostensibly religious book about Pilgrims and Mayflowers and turkeys named… turkeys that have a certain name. It’s not good, y’all! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks!”
Look, it’s Election Week and I’m in a weird place. Let’s talk about death. It’s “The Berenstain Bears Lose A Friend.”
It’s a roundtable! Elana, Mark and Gemma join me to talk about “The Berenstain Bears and the Haunted House!” We lift the flaps and lift… your spirits? Your Halloween spirits?! I hope so! Let’s get flap-liftin’!
‘Allo, ‘allo, ‘allo! Look who’s back to talk about books! It’s Bradley and Jeremy from the ol’ Collectors Corner episodes saving my bacon by jumping in at the last minute to school me on “The Berenstain Bears and/in the Spooky Fun House!” One book talks, but one book POPS! Up. Which is which? You decide!
Check out Jeremy’s incredible work here.
Check out Bradley’s podcast here!
This week, I’m all by myself and thinkin’ of BEES! Spelling bees, that is! It’s “The Berenstain Bears and the Big Spelling Bee!”
This week, Brian Skinner from Predict-O-Cast joins me for a GHOST WALK! What’s a Ghost Walk? Apparently, it’s a haunted house? It’s not a hayride! It’s also WAY TOO SPOOKY FOR KIDS! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Go On A Ghost Walk!”
Let’s welcome back to the show the hosts of Kill By Kill, Gena and Patrick as we go exploring a spooky old house atop Spook Hill and maybe, just maybe, learn a little something new about Beartown.
Oh boy! Kacie Galyon is back, everyone and we’re discussing “The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Really Big Disaster!” And, what is the disaster? Bigpaw? No. An earthquake? No. The town’s really patronizing intolerance of a vulnerable member of their community? Mmmmmmmmmmaybe?
This week, we are back with the Bear Scouts; we are back with Raffish Ralph Ripoff; and we are back with a story that doesn’t make a heck of a lot of sense. It’s “The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Ripoff Queen!” There’s no queens. There’s actually no ripoffs. There is a lot of crime, but it’s mostly committed by our heroes? This is a weird one. And to help me through it, we have a returning guest! Jamie Tyler, cutural critic for Cinapse! Welcome back Jamie!
It’s the first week of school here in Minneapolis and things are weird! So, I brought *my* school kid on the show to talk about “The Berenstain Bears Go Back To School” and marvel at a simpler time when everything wasn’t the worst. Enjoy it!
How much car trip is too much? Let’s find out with “The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Car Trip!”
The Berenstain Bears’ Seashore Treasure. BOOTY!
This week, I’m peekin’ at TWO books about introducing pets into the Bear Family. “The Berenstain Bears’ New Pup” and “The Berenstain Bears’ New Kitten!” Are they useful books as far as educating children about the ins and outs of acquiring a new pet? Lulz.
This week, I am joined by a guest who couldn’t be better suited to the material. Remy Maisel is a lifelong horse girl in addition to being a published author, copywriter and blogger. She fills me in on the facts behind “The Berenstain Bears Ride Like The Wind.”
This week it’s t-t-t-TWO BOOKS! I’m talking about “The Berenstain Bears Ride the Thunderbolt” and “The Berenstain Bears: We Like Kites!” Look, they’re Step-Into-Reading books for preschoolers. This is a fun one!
Join me for the final Family Time Book “The Berenstain Bears’ Back To School!” Not, “Back To School With The Berenstain Bears” and NOT “The Berenstain Bears GO Back To School.” Those are VERY DIFFERENT THINGS.
Look, I just won’t let this birthday thing go, okay? OKAY? It’s “The Berenstain Bears’ Birthday Boy!”
I recorded this on my birthday! And, as a way of saying “Happy birthday to me!” I decided to combine two things: my show and Family Game Night! What a terrible idea! I had to somehow salvage the mess I’d made and here’s what’s left. Sorry?
Two and a half years ago, Mark Sweeney and I talked about “The Showdown at Chainsaw Gap!” Well, we’re back to talk about it again! Only now it’s call “Nature Rescue” and it’s missing, like, one line. Still a good talk tho!
When is mystery *not* a mystery? When it’s only a question that anyone can answer given a few seconds thought. Well, Willow – my co-host from It’s Del Toro Time – is back to help solve this not-a-mystery with “The Berenstain Bears and the Tic-Tac-Toe Mystery!” It’s really dumb!
Here’s a conversation Brian and Josh had with me about “The Epic Dog Show” the religious rewrite of this week’s book.
Brian asks an innocent question about yard sales and Josh dredges up some mysterious mysteries!
Hot Diggity Dog! Look who’s back! It’s the hosts of Hot Diggity Dog, Brian and Josh, and they’re here talk about “The Runamuck Dog Show!” It’s a book about dogs and cats and poop and… poop, actually. There’s a lot of poop. Don’t know what else to tell you.
Megan Sunday, co-host of the Dune-tastic “Let’s Get Wierding” podcast, joins me this week to talk about SMOKING IN THE WOODS and PLAYING BASKETBALL IN THE WOODS and DO THE BULLIES LIVE IN THE WOODS? It’s “The Berenstain Bears: The Wrong Crowd!”
Guess who can’t catch a break. SISTER! We’re back with another look at the unjust sporting world Sister inhabits with “The Soccer Tryouts” and it’s Stepping Stone rewrite “Too Small For The Team!” And, joining me on this journey is returning guest Christy Admiraal!
And here is a list of places to donate to in support of the ongoing BLM protests.
This week, I’m joined once again by Helen LaStar of the Falling In Love Montage podcast to talk about a book that shouldn’t be as fraught as it is: “The Berenstain Bears Play Ball!” It should be an uplifting story of Sister bringing change to the male-dominated world of Little League, but instead it’s mostly about how awful Papa is… to everyone. Enjoy!
It’s a special EARLY episode because this one couldn’t wait!
Link to Twitter thread mentioned in the episode.
Places to donate (as usual, use caution before giving to any organization you’re unfamiliar with).
An update for you!
Hey! Mitzi’s back! And we’re talking about a guy who may be goofy and he may be goony but… but, he’s “The Goofy, Goony Guy.” That’s all.
We’re back with the rest of my interview with Dave Bulmer! Want to know about DIZZY? Well, here you go!
Welcome to the show, Dave Bulmer! He’s here to talk about (checks notes) Dizzy. However, before we get to Dizzy, we’ve got to talk about everything else. So much everything else that this is Part 1 of a 2-part conversation.
Check out Dave’s other projects: his YouTube channel, Sonic the Comic the Podcast and Serious Disness!
Image courtesy beachbear2002.
What if I had special guests and NOTHING ELSE?! This week, I’m nowhere to be found, but Bradley Mariska and Jeremy Gloff – our Collector’s Corner experts – are here to take over the show!
At least there’s no dog poop in this one.
It’s Passover, y’all.
Boy oh boy. Let’s all go to the DOCTOR.
Let’s all go to the potty.
We’re in seclusion. Let’s talk about chores.
Let’s go to the fair! The BIG BEAR FAIR! How big are the bears? Who cares?! It’s the BIG BEAR FAIR!
This week, we’re taking a hard look at rope and the jumping over thereof! We’re also looking at Sister Bear and her bragging ways and how if you brag too much… nothing bad will happen. It’s “The Berenstain Bears and the Jump Rope Contest!”
This week, I have a very exciting guest on the show. Benjamin L. Clark is the curator of the Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center in Palo Alto, California. He’s joining me this week to talk Schulz, cartoonists, legacy and the delights of archives!
Benjamin’s Twitter – twitter.com/BLClark
Charles M. Schulz Museum Twitter – twitter.com/SchulzMuseum
Charles M. Schulz Museum Website – schulzmuseum.org
This week, things get weird as a Step Into Reading Book takes a dark turn. We learn to count and the cops get involved in “The Berenstain Bears Go UP and DOWN!”
Are you ready to get sandy?! No? Me neither. I hate the beach. But, the Bear Family loves(?) it! They can’t wait to get there! So, of course, Mama and Papa make the cubs wait. And wait. And wait. And then they get in the water. That’s the story! SEA ya!
GRRR! GRRR! I’ve got the GROUCHIES! And so do the BEARS! What are these Grouchies? What causes them? Does it matter? Does anything? Let’s find out!
This week, I close out the “Big Mall” series(?) by taking a quick look at “The Berenstain Bears Hold Hands at the Big Mall” which, honestly I spend about five minutes on it. No, the big book this week is “The Berenstain Bears On The Road” which does not involve a seminal work of Beatnik-related literature, but does involve flat contradictions in Bear Country history as well as out first incident of vomiting children! It’s a blast!
Let’s go back to the farm, this week, with a couple of rewrites of a couple of the books we *just* looked at! It’s “The Berenstain Bears Down On The Farm” and the religious “The Berenstain Bears Reap The Harvest!”
In this episode, I’m sick! And talking about Cub Club Books! This week, I’m taking a cold hard look at two books that may, in fact, form the beginnings of a trilogy that we discussed the ending of last week! That’s right, “Nothing to Do” and “Visit Farmer Ben” would seem to set up the events in “The Summer Job” by establishing that the Cubs are bored and… and… sorry I fell asleep typing this. Anyway, books.
In a time when it is neither summer nor job I take a look at the story of the Cubs getting railroaded into working for a farmer, maybe for free(?!?). It’s “The Berenstain Bears and the Summer Job!”
My own child, Mitzi, joins me for the final episode of the year: a look at the original Cub Club version of “The Berenstain Bears and the Excuse Note!”
When is a mystery *not* a mystery? When nothing mysterious happens! “The Berenstain Bears IN the Wax Museum” acts like a mystery, but it’s really a community drama about zoning ordinances. It makes a lot of promises it can’t keep and sets up plot points that melt like the wax in Madame Bearsaud’s statues, but I don’t care because KACIE GALYON is back to help me get through it! Welcome back to the show, Kacie!
*Hic* Kill me *Hic* Kill me *Hic* Kill me
This week, Ollie – my child and co-host of It’s Del Toro Time – joins me to talk about the Cub Club book “The Berenstain Bears and the Hiccup Cure!” Papa gets hiccups and… that’s about it. It’s a short one!
I’ve been alone so long! This week, I bring back two things that this show desperately needed: the Big Chapter Books and A GUEST! Yes, I am joined by author and screenwriter Mark Wheaton, the author of “Emily Eternal” and the Luis Chavez Mysteries. He’s here to help me pick apart a book about… filmmaking? The Hollywood machine? Cecil B. DeMille? It’s a mess; but a FUN mess!
FOUR YEARS AGO (!!!!!!!!) I had Bradley and Jeremy on the show to talk about “The Berenstain Bears Meet Bigpaw – the Bears’ Thanksgiving special from 1980. Well, I’m BUSY so here’s this week’s show! It’s a RERUN!
What is color? Is it real? Why do colors? What am God? Where God does meet color? Why? I answer ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS AND MORE in “The Berenstain Bears Learn About Colors” and the religious rewrite “The Berenstain Bears God Made the Colors!”
When is a get-together not a get-together? When it’s a reunion! Whether the Bear Family is getting together or reuniting, we’re meeting some new relatives in “The Berenstain Bears’ Family Get Together” and “The Berenstain Bears’ Family Reunion!”
“Bear Country exists in a state of temporal flux” is something I say in this episode about a children’s book about cheating. So, that’s something. It’s the final Merit Badge Mystery, the final Dr. Wise Old Owl, the final not-really-a-mystery mystery; it’s “The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the White Water Mystery!”
This week, let’s all “Hug and Make Up!” It’s “The Berenstain Bears Hug and Make Up” from the 90s and the early 2000s and they are NOT the same books! They might LOOK similar, but they ain’t. Trust me.
This week, we’re back of the HALLOWEEN track with “The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old House!” And, it IS spooky but not for the reasons you probably think. Let’s talk death and widows and homelessness and squatter’s rights and RAGGEDY TOM! Please. Please, let’s.
Hey, Y’ALL! It’s time once again for a CUB CLUB BOOK LOOK MA I’M READING! This week, it’s “The Berenstain Bears and the Talent Show!” But, this time, the real talent isn’t ON the stage it’s . . . well, actually, it’s still on the stage. But also, it’s off? I don’t know. FIGURE IT OUT!
It’s nice outside, so let’s talk about dating!
Join me for another INCREDIBLE MYSTERY that doesn’t introduce itself until the book is nearly finished and that is then solved by a non-character in one page. That’s right! It’s a Berenstain Bear Scouts Merit Badge Mystery! But, like past Merit Badge Mysteries, it’s not much of a mystery. But, it’s still weird and fun. Join me for “The Stinky Milk Mystery” and discover my the milk may, in fact, be stinky.
This week, we’re going back to basics with “Big Bear, Small Bear” a book that, once again, completely lacks any mention of our Bear Family. But, what does that say about us? About spaghetti? About eating spaghetti on the beach? Anything? Hello?
Okay, how’s this for a weird throwback in style? “The Berenstain Bears In The House Of Mirrors” doesn’t even have any members of the Bear Family! It has two fill-in characters and a WHOLE LOT of mirrors!
This week, we’re gearing up for HALLOWEEN SEASON with our first MYSTERIES! That’s right! The Bear Detectives are here to liven up your week with the “Escape of the Bogg Brothers” and the “Missing Watermelon Money!”
Look who’s back! It’s Bradley Mariska and Jeremy Gloff – my collectors! Only this time they’re not talking collectibles, but an actual book! Brad and Jeremy join me to talk about “The Berenstain Bears Visit Uncle Tex” and “The Berenstain Bears Out West” which are, in fact, the SAME BOOK ALMOST!
Check out Jeremy’s website to preorder his new album and order his old albums! Check out Bradley’s Berenstain Bears Bibliography and see what his band is up to!
Also, if you’re in town, check out my one-man show!
This week, I’m taking a look at a book FILLED with BOOKS! It’s 2011’s “The Berenstain Bears Say Please and Thank You” and it’s NOT related to last week’s book at all! It’s a whole new thing entirely!
This week, we talk about “Please” and “Thank you” – the words, the concepts, the social contract. We look at where these ideas came from; what the words mean; and how they hold society together. We also look at what happens when “The Berenstain Bears Say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You!'”
Elana and sometimes Mitzi join me on vacation to talk about “The Berenstain Bears’ Bedtime Battle” a book with no real battles.
Hey everyone. Wanna get lost? Well, let’s go to a cave and get lost there. Which cave? *A* cave. Just . . . just a cave.
It sure is time outside! What time? ALL THE TIME! This week, we take yet another look at the seasons and ask whether they matter more or less if God was involved.
Let’s go fishin’ now, everybody’s learnin’ how, come on and go fishin’ with meeeeeeeee . . . and Godddddddddd!
This week, I’m taking you to a place from my childhood that I DREAD! The amusement park! Learn about why I hate amusement parks, a brief history of amusement parks and, oh right, what happens when the Bear Family visits an amusement park in “The Berenstain Bears Visit Fun Park!”
Boy, do I ever love to talk about going to the mall. I never even knew I loved it so much until I started doing this show. Anyways, here’s “The Berenstain Bears at the Giant Mall” featuring a couple of guest storytellers!
This week, I’m all by myself and talking about Cub Clubs! Yes, it’s “The Berenstain Bears and the Wishing Star” and I don’t have a whole lot to say about it!
This week, I am joined by two delightful souls, Christy Admiraal and Brian Skinner, as we traverse the completely off-season topic of Valentines Day! Who is an appropriate suitor for Sister? What’s a Thousand Legger? A Hop Toad? Whither fistball. We talk it all!
This week, I’m playing with a FULL HOUSE or FULL BACKYARD as I’m joined by not one, not two, not three but FOUR GUESTS! Yes, Elana is back and she’s brought her niece, Miriam, and her aunt and uncle Meryl and Evan for a backyard conversation about excuses and notes and “The Berenstain Bears and the Excuse Note!”
This week, it’s Father’s Day and I brought on a father very near and dear to my heart: Mark Sweeney! He’s back, y’all and he’s ready to talk about Papa’s weird obsession with not celebrating Father’s Day. Enjoy it.
Oops! This one is late! Sorry folks!
Boy oh boy, are you ever tired of hearing about the live show? I know! Well, this is it, folks. I’ve asked Elana and Mark back on the show to talk about how they felt the show went, to discuss the process and to play you a few clips! Courtesy of Mr. Bradley Mariska!
This week, I’m taking a look at a shocking recent revelation in Bear Country – Mama and Papa Bear’s pre-parental names!
This week, I am joined by toy designer Stefanie Eskander. Stefanie has been a part of the development of so many different toy lines, you wouldn’t even believe it if I told you. That’s why I have her on the show! So you can get it straight from the source! Honestly, Stefanie is incredible and it was an honor to speak with her.
You can find Stefanie’s design work on Instagram and at her personal website!