Episode 10 – Bears in the Night/C is for Clown/The Berenstain’s ‘C’ Book

DIBC-EP10We’re still in Dreamland. I know! It feels like we’ve been here forever. Well, trust me when I say this is all leading some place. And, this episode, I think we all get a good idea where that place is. “Bears in the Night” and “C is for Clown” may not seem to be tied into the main storyline, but they are. Oh, yes yes yes they most certainly are.

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Episode 9 – Old Hat, New Hat/The Berenstain’s B Book

DIBC-EP9We’re back for another trip through Small Bear’s Dreamland! And, by “we” I mean “we!” That’s right! Deep In Bear Country welcomes its very first guest! And, she’s young! Very. And, this is dropping on my birthday, so . . . happy birthday to me!

As always, thank you for listening! Rate and review us on iTunesSubscribe on StitcherLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter. We love you all!

Episode 8 – The Bears’ Christmas

It’s our first holiday book! And . . . the holiday isn’t really that important a part of it. Okay, it’s barely a part of it at all. Still, it’s a landmark so I’ll take it!

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Episode 7 – Inside Outside Upside Down/Bears On Wheels

Deep In Bear Country - Episode 7It’s a double header! Is that the right term? Who knows?! We are covering the first two Bright and Early Books in the Berenstain’s oeuvre and also learning a little bit of publishing history along the way. PLUS things get weird. Really weird. How weird? How about parallel universe weird? How does that make you feel?

As always rate and review us on iTunes, download us on Stitcher, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! Whew! Oh, and enjoy!

Episode 6 – The Bears’ Vacation

Episode 6 - The Bears' VacationStop everything! Bear Country has a beach?! Apparently so, and The Bear Family is set to have a great time beachin’ on vaca! At least, Papa and Small Bear are; Mama . . . she takes a backseat for this one. Still, this book has it all: sand, water, rocks, and a challenge to the Old Gods. Don’t miss it!

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Episode 5 – The Bear Scouts

DIBC-EP5What happens when Stan and Jan throw three new cubs into the Papa Bear/Small Bear mix? Turns out . . . they don’t end up playing a huge role in the story. Or, making much of a difference. Still, three new cubs! Do they get names? Do they speak lines? Do they evolve into Cousin Freddy? No. No. And, I don’t know. Haven’t gotten there yet. Still. Three new cubs!

Thanks to everyone for supporting the show! Remember to rate and review us on iTunes, download us with your Stitcher app, follow us on Twitter and join us on Facebook. Social Media! Like the kids do!

Episode 4 – The Bears’ Picnic

Episode 4 - The Bears' PicnicDo you like turning points? I do! And “The Bears’ Picnic” – darn that apostrophe; trips me up every time – is a major turning point for not only the Bear Family but for Stan and Jan Berenstain as artists, writers and collaborators. We’ll get into that in this episode as well as new locations in Bear Country!

I want to give a big shout out to berenstainbears.com who found us through Twitter and posted about our show on their Facebook page! Thank you so much, you guys! Also, thanks to everyone who has rated and reviewed us on iTunes – it really helps to get the show out there.

Also, don’t forget to join us on Twitter @BStainBearcast. We’d love to hear from you!

BONUS EPISODE 1 – Nothing Ever Happens at the South Pole

DIBC-BONUS1It’s a bonus episode! Holy cats! What brought this on? I wanted to cover “Nothing Ever Happens at the South Pole” before I lost my enthusiasm for it. It’s a clunky, weird, kinda terrible book BUT it’s super important in the history of the development of Stan and Jan Berenstain as writers. Super important. So, I’m not covering it just to knock it, but to examine it within the context of the Berenstains’ career.

Looking back, I think I got a couple of dates wrong in my retelling of the story of this book’s inception. If you can find it in your hearts to whistle past that . . . do so?

I’ll be back in a few days – fingers crossed – with “The Bear’s Picnic” which is AWESOME and I’m very excited about singing its praises!

Episode 3 – The Berenstain Bears and the Bike Lesson!

Episode 3 - The Bike Lesson
Episode 3 – The Bike Lesson

Well, this is exciting! The first NAMED Berenstain Bears book! By which I mean, of course, that it’s the first book which identifies the Bear Family as “The Berensatin Bears.” Much like “The Addams Family” referred to “the family created by Charles Addams.” This all came as a surprise to Stan and Jan Berenstain. Which reminds me! It’s also the first book that refers to them as “Stan and Jan Berenstain” rather than as “Stanley and Janice.” And, isn’t that nice?

So, woo-hoo for this. Be sure to stay tuned for more episodes coming soon. I’ve got a few treats up my sleeves. Also, pop by Twitter and follow us! And, rate and review us on iTunes! It’d be really cool of you to do! Thanks!

Episode 2 – The Berenstain Bears and The Big Honey Hunt!

Deep In Bear Country - Episode 2
Deep In Bear Country – Episode 2

Finally! An actual book!

“The Big Honey Hunt” marks the introduction of the Bear Family – Papa, Mama and . . . Small. Notice how many ideas that would carry over into later books are already in place: the tree house, the outfits, the attitudes of the bears. This was due to Dr. Seuss’s very exacting editorial hand. He insisted that Stan and Jan build these characters from the ground up; that the Bears exist as fully realized characters before the Berenstains begin writing about them. And, it shows. The Bears arrive fully realized as characters. Not, of course, as the characters they would eventually grow into, but as characters in their own right.

Now, there is a strong Seussian influence on these early books. Specifically, the ramping up of craziness and the physical comedy perpetrated by Papa Bear. This intentional “zaniness” will lighten over the course of the early books, but never fully leave until we get into books for younger children. For now, it’s all zaniness, all the time.

Deep In Bear Country: Episode 1 – An Introduction!

Episode 1: An Introduction!

Hello! And welcome to the first episode of “Deep In Bear Country: A Berenstain Bearcast.” In this episode, I take you through the whole reason this thing even exists. I give you a little rundown of the history of authors Stan and Jan Berenstain and hopefully prepare you for the long LONG journey to come.

All of the biographical information in the episode comes from “Down A Sunny Dirt Road – An Autobiography” by Stan and Jan Berenstain. It’s an invaluable source of information and I’ll be covering it specifically in a later episode.