Episode 49 – The Berenstain Bears on Saturday Mornings!


It’s no secret that I love Saturday Morning Cartoons. It’s not secret that I’m fairly uncritical of them. So, join me as I dip my toe into the waters of the Berenstain Bears’ first cartoon series!

And, hey, if you want to talk cartoons, you can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can yell at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 48 – Collector’s Corner 3!


Come into the bath with us! It’s another Collector’s Corner and Bradley, Jeremy and I are talking BATH BOOKS! Is that a good topic of conversation? No! Are we going to do it anyway? Probably!

Take a look at these soft books you can get wet, courtesy of Brad!

If you’re interested in joining the Berenstain Bears Collectors Facebook Group, just click through to the page!

Order Jeremy’s latest album!

And, hey, if you dug this episode, let me know! You can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can yell at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 47 – The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Birthday!

FB-Logo-Ep47When is a birthday, TOO MUCH BIRTHDAY?! When it’s Sister’s birthday, of course! Join me and professional party princess Suzie Juul as we discuss sawing cubs in half, why Bear country has never seen a birthday party before and trick candle boyfriends! Also, should six-year-olds be playing spin-the-bottle?

If you want to book Suzie for your child’s next party, visit Once Upon a Star’s website and check out Suzie’s personal site for examples of the Professional Party Princess in action!

You can find this show on Facebook. Or, you can holla at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 46 – The Berenstain Bears No Girls Allowed!


Mr. Stuart Wellington of The Flop House and Till Def Do Us Ppardy joins me to discuss “The Berenstain Bears – No Girls Allowed.” Is sister Bear in the wrong here? Can one actually barbecue honeycomb? Is The Bear Country Boys Club an antecessor of Gamergate? Also, if Stuart tells you to stop giggling . . . stop giggling.

You can find Mr. Wellington as the above-linked podcasts or behind the bar at Hinterlands Bar in Brooklyn!

You can find this show on Facebook. Or, you can holla at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 44 – The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners!


This week, Marilyn Pentel, creator and CEO of Mannerly Manners, joins me to discuss something about which I carry no authority . . . MANNERS! Think manners are just rules to keep kids quiet? It’s a bit more complex than that. Marilyn and I discuss the importance of manners in maintaining a world in which true peace is an honest-to-goodness possibility.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Mannerly Manners, including upcoming summer programs, you can visit the website!

Also, if you’re interested in Marilyn’s list of recommended children’s books, here they are!20160401140029782_Page_1

As always, our official Facebook page is on Facebook. You can holla at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 43 – The Berenstain Bears On the Moon!


And, BOOM, we’re back in the Dreamlands! Thought we’d never go back? Oh, you thought wrong! In this breezy little tome, we journey to that most mysterious of heavenly bodies: the moon! What does the moon have in store for our intrepid explorers? Not much! But, what does it all meeeeeeeeeeean? Join me as I ramble about that very subject.

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Episode 42 – Berenstain Bear Country?


This week, I’m joined by Mark Sweeney – local performer, writer and gad-about – who actually worked at Berenstain Bear Country HOLY MOLY! He spills the beans and fills the dirt on what it was like to be one of Papa Bear’s earthly avatars.

Take a look! I found these pictures on the internet!

And, here are the pictures provided by Bradley Mariska!


As always, our official Facebook page is on Facebook. You can holla at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 41 – Collector’s Corner 2!


Bradley and Jeremy are BACK! And, they’ve brought with them some truly wonderful finds. I’m talking coloring books! I’m talking an amazing activity book! I’m talking a rub . . . . thing. A rub-a-book thingy. It’s all awesome!

Take a look!

Here’s a link to Jeremy’s music – preorder that album!

Here’s a link to Bradley’s issue of Austin Living!

If you’re interested in joining the Berenstain Bears Collectors Facebook Group, just click through to the page! And, hey, if you dug this episode, let me know! You can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can yell at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 40 – The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food!


Hey, gang. Let’s stuff our faces! With knowledge! About the Berenstain Bears and their gross obsession with junk food! It’s gross! I’m joined this week by the amazing Elana!

Episode 38 – The Berenstain Bears and the Neighborly Skunk!


When is a skunk not a skunk? When it’s a stand-in for PREJUDICE! This week, Brandi Brown of Brandi and Bill talk about Blaxploitation (among MANY OTHER THINGS) joins me to discuss a book that is short of pages but long on social commentary. Where did all the non-bear animals in Bear Country go? If different bears are different races, what are different species? Should Mama Bear change her clothes to go camping? All this . . . and more!

Don’t forget, Brandi will be at the Acme Comedy Co. in Minneapolis Tuesday, Feb. 23 through Saturday, Feb. 27. And, she’ll be on the Gilmore Guys podcast live show March 5 at The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis.

Here’s a link to Brandi’s coverage of “The Berenstain Bears Lost in Cyberspace.”

Brandi’s blog can be found here.

As always, our official Facebook page is on Facebook. You can holla at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 37 – The Berenstain Bears and the Dinosaurs!

Better get used to those faces, kid.

DINOSAURS! Who doesn’t love dinosaurs?! Well, parents, apparently? Joining me to discuss dinosaurs and the love thereof are Trish and Talcott, two artists and dinosaur lovers. We talk dinos, inaccurate dinos, weird dinos and “Baby, Secret of the Lost Legend.” It’s a doozy, folks!

A lovely tsintaosaurus art by @babbletrish
@talcotts interprets the bones of the strange creature in the Bear Country Museum

You can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can holla at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 36 – The Berenstain Bears and the Big Election!


POLITICS! That’s what we’re all about this week. POLITICS! How do they work? Why? Where? Tax! Papa don’t know. And Papa . . . don’t care.

All this and no more!

Episode 35 – The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV!


Boy am I lucky! Mr. Andrew Schwartz of the “Talkin’ ‘Bout Turtle: Your One Stop Shoppe for Entourage Schlopp” podcast has joined me to discuss the notion of perhaps watching too much television. Is this even possible? What was television like when I was a kid? What’s a “cube puzzle?” Paula Poundstone?

We discuss all these things and more!

You can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can holla at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 33 – The Berenstain Bears and Mama’s New Job


In which I try to figure out what a quilt is, Mama Bear makes what may be an unwise career choice, and everyone goes to bed unsatisfied.

Do it! FacebookTwitteriTunes.

Episode 32 – Four Mini Storybooks!


WHAT is my problem?! Four books?! There’s no way this is going to be anything less than unwieldy, right? Wellllllllllllllll, you may be right.

Still, these are fun little books and, though it may not be readily apparent, very important books in the development of the Berenstain’s creative empire. It has to do with some observations I had about the art style and a query I posted to . . . well, I’ll direct you to my other blog post and you can read the whole thing!

You know the drill: FacebookTwitteriTunes. M’WAH!

Mike Berenstain Responds! – 1

Hey, guys! In prepping for Episode 32 – the one where I unwisely tried to cover FOUR mini story books in one go – I had a few questions about the art in the books. So, I wrote to The Berenstains with the following question:

I’ll be covering four books from 1983 – the mini-storybooks – and I notice that the interior art seems . . . different from the rest of the books from the same era. The line work has a different texture, the bear’s themselves seem slightly off-model. Their eyes and smiles in particular. Even their poses seem slightly uncharacteristic. Did Stan and Jan use a different process for these books? Is there any way of knowing?

This is the fantastic response from Mike Berenstain:

Mike Berenstain
(Photo: HarperCollins)

Always happy to answer any questions.

There are two reasons the art in the mini books looks different.

First, and most important, these books were done as a series in parallel with all the other books (primarily the First Time Books) that Stan and Jan were doing in the early ’80s and it was not possible, from this point on, for them to do all the art themselves for all Berenstain Bears books. The mini books were the first ones (a least that I can recall) on which a freelance artist was employed. The usual process was that Stan and Jan did the rough layouts, the freelancer did finished sketches, Stan and Jan then corrected all the sketches on overlays and the freelancer did the finished ink line and color. By the way, at this time Stan and Jan almost always worked in pen and ink. Earlier, they had used brush on some books where a bolder line was needed–for instance, some of the Bright and Early books like Bears in the Night. The freelancer used for these mini books had a  background as a comic strip inker. This technique almost always uses ink brush line. So that was what he used for these mini books, thus giving the line a different quality. Also, his background in comic strip art inflected his execution of the characters giving them the slightly exaggerated look you notice.

Second, color reproduction in mass market children’s books went through an evolution from the 1960s to the 1990s. Until the early 1970s, all the Berenstain Bears books were done in full pre-separation. That is, black line was created first, this line drawing was then printed in non-photo blue on four sheets of illustration board and the “color” was then created in percentages of Indian ink gray wash on each of these four sheets–one for yellow, one for blue, one for red and one for gray tone. The color percentages were calculated using a chart which matched tones of gray to tones of yellow, red and blue. All of these five elements were then put together in the printing process to create full color with black line. Thus there is no “original” full color art for any of the Berenstain Bears books created before about 1973–each original consists of five separate pieces of art all in shades of black and gray. This laborious and difficult process was done to save money. Printing full color art in those days was expensive since it involved the labor of a team of photographers, engravers and printers. In order to achieve the low price points needed to market children’s books in mass distribution, the pre-separation system was developed as a way to lower printing costs. In the early ’70s, more efficient printing techniques were developed which permitted, first, a simplification of the process, then, it’s elimination. There was a transitional period where the black line was still done separately, then printed on a single sheet of illustration board in non-photo blue and full color was painted on this board. So, now, there were only two pieces of original art–the black line sheet and the full color sheet. The Berenstain Bears’ Nursery Tales was the first using this technique, followed by Science Fair, The New Baby and Go to School. It continued to be used for a time for cover art into the late ’80s since it gave a very bright clean reproduction. But it gave way to full color reproduction for most interior art by about 1980 and for all the art by about 1988. The last work I did in this process was the cover for After the Dinosaurs. The mini books, however–I assume because of their very low price point–were done entirely in this mixed black line/full color separation process giving them a distinctive look.

Mike Berenstain

Thank you Mike Berenstain and The Berenstains for your continued support of my little endeavor here.

Episode 31 – Welcome Back! & The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble With Money

The look of pure evil.

Welcome back! Or, since I’m the one who’s been gone, I guess you should be saying that. So. Welcome back, me!

This week, we take a look at where we have been. We also take a look at The Berenstain Bears’ Trouble with Money. I feel like it would be better served with the title “and The Trouble With Money” but, whatever.

Go to our Facebook page on Facebook and say something! Or, message me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 30 – The Berenstain Bears and the Truth


This episode, Mitzi and I explore the ethics of telling the truth. Also, the reasons we lie and the benefits of living a truthful life. Or, something. I don’t know. I haven’t listened to the show yet.

If you enjoyed last week’s reading, let me know and I’ll do more! You can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can message me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Reading 1 – The Berenstain Bears and The Truth


What’s all this then?! It’s a reading! This week we’re breaking format and listening to a book! So, kick back, relax and enjoy my melifluous tones!

We’ll be back next week with an episode as we barrel toward Christmas! There’s a lot coming up!

As usual, let me know what you think! Do you want more readings? You can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can yell at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 29 – The Berenstain Bears Meet Bigpaw


Gobble Gobble! It’s Thanksgiving and we’ve got a JUMBO episode! Welcome back Bradley Mariska and Jeremy Gloff – our B. Bear collectors – as we discuss “The Berenstain Bears Meet Bigpaw.” We cover, not only the original special, but also the adaptations that followed.

Take a look at some of the Bigpaw collectibles from Bradley’s collection:

How old is Bigpaw? Where does he come from? Since when is Mama a witch? Is “One Tin Soldier” a good song?

We answer none of these questions! Enjoy!

As usual, let me know what you think! You can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can yell at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 28 – The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room

DIBC-EP28This is the book where Mama LOSES. HER. Stuff. Her stuff. She straight up loses it and yells at the cubs and we couldn’t be happier. Oh, and Mitzi is joining me again. We’re getting ready for vacation, so this one is short!

You can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can holla at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 26 – The Berenstain Bears Get In A Fight


Who better to discuss a fight between two siblings than . . . two siblings! In this episode, BOTH of my kids join me to discuss arguments, waking up on the wrong side of the bed and yelling dads. Plus, conflict resolution: is it worth it?

Please let me know what you think! You can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can yell at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 24 – The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist


What does a real dentist think of Sister Bear’s first trip to the dentist? Not much! Turns out, Dr. Bearson’s practice leaves a LOT to be desired! Join me and a real live dentist as we discuss this questionable excursion into dentistry.

If you want a better book to help prepare your kids for the dentist, the University of Maryland has a pretty good list.

As usual, let me know what you think! You can find our official Facebook page on Facebook. Or, you can yell at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes.

Episode 22 – Collector’s Corner 1


This is so cool. I have on the show this week Bradley Mariska and Jeremy Gloff. Bradley and Jeremy have the two largest collections of Berenstain Bear merch IN THE WORLD. THE WORLD! Join me as these guys share three of their favorite B. Bear pieces. And, don’t fret that this is the last time these guys will be on, because this is not the last time these guys will be on.

Hey, do you want to see some images from the books?! Take a looks!

Bet you never thought oregano had a scratch-n-sniff, eh? Trade you for your Root Beer sticker.
See that circle thing there? That's a tiny record! And you play it with a hand-held spinning record player! THE FUTURE!
See that circle thing there? That’s a tiny record! And you play it with a hand-held spinning record player! THE FUTURE!
On top: The original line edition that your kid brother probably tried to color. On bottom: the later full color version.
On top: The original line edition that your kid brother probably tried to color.
On bottom: the later full color version.
All the goodness. See that thing in the middle? HAND-HELD RECORD PLAYER! See that original edition Papa's Pizza that Bradley took out of the wrapping just for our show? Price - halved.
All the goodness. See that thing in the middle? HAND-HELD RECORD PLAYER! See that original edition Papa’s Pizza that Bradley took out of the wrapping just for our show? Price – halved.

If you’re interested in joining the Berenstain Bears Collectors Facebook Group, just click through to the page! Internet magic! Also, Jeremy is a musician, so go like his Facebook page; he makes good music! Bradley is a musician as well, but I don’t see . . . I can’t find any kind of fan page for him or anything. I *did* find someone named “Mariska Bradley” though, so . . . so, that’s weird.

And, hey, if you dug this episode, let me know! You can find our official Facebook page on . . . on Facebook. Or, you can yell at me on Twitter. And, please please please rate and review the show on iTunes. It super helps get the word out there! Mwah! Love you all!

Episode 21 – The Berenstain Bears Go To the Doctor


I have so many cool friends! Today, I’m joined by Dr. Steve Lawler to talk about the time brother and sister had their privacy violated by Dr. Grizzly. Seriously, at least let them put on some pants, Gert. We also talk about what that thing on Dr. Grizzly’s head is all about, the lack on non-bears in Bear Country and I FINALLY get a real diagnosis on Papa Bear’s sneezes! It’s fun!

I prescribe you 100 cc’s of rating and reviewing us on iTunesSubscribing on StitcherLiking us on FacebookFollowing us on Twitter.


Episode 20 – The Berenstain Bears and the Sitter


Meet my friend, Linda! She basically made my four-year-old the awesome person she is and I am thrilled to discuss this book with her today!

Episode 18 – The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone


Bear Country has a prehistory! We don’t actually learn much about it, but here it is! Dinosaurs! And, here’s the Bear Country museum and its curator Actual Factu – wait. Is that Actual Factual? It . . . it looks like him, but – Okay, we need to take this thing apart. It’s “The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone” and it’s a MYSTERY! All of it. Cover to cover. And I get SO ANGRY! Join me, won’t you?

Help me recover the secrets of the past by rating and reviewing us on iTunesSubscribing on StitcherLiking us on FacebookAnd, following us on Twitter. I would love to hear from you!

Episode 17 – The Berenstain Bears’ Counting Book/The Berenstain Bears and The Spooky Old Tree


This week, we explore the hidden depths of what may be the spoooookiest book we’ve covered so far! And, no, it’s NOT “The Spooky Old Tree!” Brother’s fractured subconscious wars within itself and drags its fragments deep below its own comfort zone in these two deceptively simple books. Enjoy!

Make peace with your fractured psyche and rate and review us on iTunesSubscribe on StitcherLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter. I love to hear from you!

Episode 16 – The Berenstain Bears’ Nature Guide/Science Fair


Bear Country LOVES science! And, so do I! Join me as I explore the final two books in the rough trilogy started in “The Bears’ Almanac.” These books . . . man, they’re just great. I love ’em. Love, love, love ’em.

As always and forever, please Rate and review us on iTunesSubscribe on StitcherLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter. I love to hear from you!

Episode 14 – He Bear, She Bear/The Bear Detectives


We’re back into the strange world of Small/Brother Bear’s psyche! Where will his concerns bout this new sister take him? And, are the Detectives real or all in our heads?

Please Rate and review us on iTunesSubscribe on StitcherLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter. And, join us next week!

Episode 13 – The Berenstain Bears’ New Baby


Please welcome into the Deep In Bear Country Studios (the living room) our first ADULT guest, Elana Gravitz! Elana and I have a great time discussing The Berenstain Bears’ New Baby and covering such topics as: drinking straight from the family honey pot, not telling your kid their new sibling is arriving that day, the Bears’ strange and sudden isolation from the rest of Bear Country and the New Sibling/New Bed exchange rate. Also, Sister is pretty strong for a newborn.

Thank you, once again, for listening! Please Rate and review us on iTunesSubscribe on StitcherLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter. And, join us next week!

Episode 12 – The Berenstain Bears in ‘The Bears’ Almanac’

Man, I just relistened to this episode and I sound reallllllly mellow. Like, really mellow. Anyway, give it a listen! We’re closing out the end of Deep In Bear Country Phase 1 and entering Phase 2! What does that even mean? Well, it means .  . big things. Big things in store. For . . . you. So, buckle up, sonny jim. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. Except, not in this episode. This episode is mellow. And, so smooth.

Rate and review us on iTunesSubscribe on StitcherLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter.

Episode 11 – The Berenstain Bears’ Nursery Tales


We are rapidly approaching Zero Hour, my friends. Small, Papa and to a lesser extent Mama have brought us so far on this journey and now they are preparing to *expand* their universe with . . . *expand* was a joke, see? Like, Mama Bear is expanding across the midsection because of having a baby in- forget it! Forget it! I’m bad at jokes!

Anyway, in this book, we get Papa prepping Small for an addition to the family by way of some artful storytelling of stories we all already know. But, man does Small look enthralled there on the cover. No shock, really. He’s having his little mind blown.

And, hey, if’n you’re feelin’ goofy: Rate and review us on iTunesSubscribe on StitcherLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter. Seriously. It’s cool to do those things, man.

Episode 10 – Bears in the Night/C is for Clown/The Berenstain’s ‘C’ Book

DIBC-EP10We’re still in Dreamland. I know! It feels like we’ve been here forever. Well, trust me when I say this is all leading some place. And, this episode, I think we all get a good idea where that place is. “Bears in the Night” and “C is for Clown” may not seem to be tied into the main storyline, but they are. Oh, yes yes yes they most certainly are.

Be a pal, wontcha! Rate and review us on iTunesSubscribe on StitcherLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter. We all wanna be pals!

Episode 9 – Old Hat, New Hat/The Berenstain’s B Book

DIBC-EP9We’re back for another trip through Small Bear’s Dreamland! And, by “we” I mean “we!” That’s right! Deep In Bear Country welcomes its very first guest! And, she’s young! Very. And, this is dropping on my birthday, so . . . happy birthday to me!

As always, thank you for listening! Rate and review us on iTunesSubscribe on StitcherLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter. We love you all!

Episode 8 – The Bears’ Christmas

It’s our first holiday book! And . . . the holiday isn’t really that important a part of it. Okay, it’s barely a part of it at all. Still, it’s a landmark so I’ll take it!

As always rate and review us on iTunes, download us on Stitcher, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! You rock!

Episode 7 – Inside Outside Upside Down/Bears On Wheels

Deep In Bear Country - Episode 7It’s a double header! Is that the right term? Who knows?! We are covering the first two Bright and Early Books in the Berenstain’s oeuvre and also learning a little bit of publishing history along the way. PLUS things get weird. Really weird. How weird? How about parallel universe weird? How does that make you feel?

As always rate and review us on iTunes, download us on Stitcher, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! Whew! Oh, and enjoy!

Episode 6 – The Bears’ Vacation

Episode 6 - The Bears' VacationStop everything! Bear Country has a beach?! Apparently so, and The Bear Family is set to have a great time beachin’ on vaca! At least, Papa and Small Bear are; Mama . . . she takes a backseat for this one. Still, this book has it all: sand, water, rocks, and a challenge to the Old Gods. Don’t miss it!

Rate and review us on iTunes. Subscribe on Stitcher. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. We’ve got all our bases covered!

Episode 5 – The Bear Scouts

DIBC-EP5What happens when Stan and Jan throw three new cubs into the Papa Bear/Small Bear mix? Turns out . . . they don’t end up playing a huge role in the story. Or, making much of a difference. Still, three new cubs! Do they get names? Do they speak lines? Do they evolve into Cousin Freddy? No. No. And, I don’t know. Haven’t gotten there yet. Still. Three new cubs!

Thanks to everyone for supporting the show! Remember to rate and review us on iTunes, download us with your Stitcher app, follow us on Twitter and join us on Facebook. Social Media! Like the kids do!

Episode 4 – The Bears’ Picnic

Episode 4 - The Bears' PicnicDo you like turning points? I do! And “The Bears’ Picnic” – darn that apostrophe; trips me up every time – is a major turning point for not only the Bear Family but for Stan and Jan Berenstain as artists, writers and collaborators. We’ll get into that in this episode as well as new locations in Bear Country!

I want to give a big shout out to berenstainbears.com who found us through Twitter and posted about our show on their Facebook page! Thank you so much, you guys! Also, thanks to everyone who has rated and reviewed us on iTunes – it really helps to get the show out there.

Also, don’t forget to join us on Twitter @BStainBearcast. We’d love to hear from you!

BONUS EPISODE 1 – Nothing Ever Happens at the South Pole

DIBC-BONUS1It’s a bonus episode! Holy cats! What brought this on? I wanted to cover “Nothing Ever Happens at the South Pole” before I lost my enthusiasm for it. It’s a clunky, weird, kinda terrible book BUT it’s super important in the history of the development of Stan and Jan Berenstain as writers. Super important. So, I’m not covering it just to knock it, but to examine it within the context of the Berenstains’ career.

Looking back, I think I got a couple of dates wrong in my retelling of the story of this book’s inception. If you can find it in your hearts to whistle past that . . . do so?

I’ll be back in a few days – fingers crossed – with “The Bear’s Picnic” which is AWESOME and I’m very excited about singing its praises!

Episode 3 – The Berenstain Bears and the Bike Lesson!

Episode 3 - The Bike Lesson
Episode 3 – The Bike Lesson

Well, this is exciting! The first NAMED Berenstain Bears book! By which I mean, of course, that it’s the first book which identifies the Bear Family as “The Berensatin Bears.” Much like “The Addams Family” referred to “the family created by Charles Addams.” This all came as a surprise to Stan and Jan Berenstain. Which reminds me! It’s also the first book that refers to them as “Stan and Jan Berenstain” rather than as “Stanley and Janice.” And, isn’t that nice?

So, woo-hoo for this. Be sure to stay tuned for more episodes coming soon. I’ve got a few treats up my sleeves. Also, pop by Twitter and follow us! And, rate and review us on iTunes! It’d be really cool of you to do! Thanks!

Episode 2 – The Berenstain Bears and The Big Honey Hunt!

Deep In Bear Country - Episode 2
Deep In Bear Country – Episode 2

Finally! An actual book!

“The Big Honey Hunt” marks the introduction of the Bear Family – Papa, Mama and . . . Small. Notice how many ideas that would carry over into later books are already in place: the tree house, the outfits, the attitudes of the bears. This was due to Dr. Seuss’s very exacting editorial hand. He insisted that Stan and Jan build these characters from the ground up; that the Bears exist as fully realized characters before the Berenstains begin writing about them. And, it shows. The Bears arrive fully realized as characters. Not, of course, as the characters they would eventually grow into, but as characters in their own right.

Now, there is a strong Seussian influence on these early books. Specifically, the ramping up of craziness and the physical comedy perpetrated by Papa Bear. This intentional “zaniness” will lighten over the course of the early books, but never fully leave until we get into books for younger children. For now, it’s all zaniness, all the time.

Deep In Bear Country: Episode 1 – An Introduction!

Episode 1: An Introduction!

Hello! And welcome to the first episode of “Deep In Bear Country: A Berenstain Bearcast.” In this episode, I take you through the whole reason this thing even exists. I give you a little rundown of the history of authors Stan and Jan Berenstain and hopefully prepare you for the long LONG journey to come.

All of the biographical information in the episode comes from “Down A Sunny Dirt Road – An Autobiography” by Stan and Jan Berenstain. It’s an invaluable source of information and I’ll be covering it specifically in a later episode.